3 unfortunate incidents of female and Syrian refugees in one day: missing, deportation and arrest

BY|Orient Net – Maher Al-Akal
Syrian immigrants are still exposed to many problems and difficulties on their way to seek refuge in one of the European countries, which are now dealing with them as if they were criminals or bandits and not just civilians (women and children) who fled the injustice and killing in their country at the hands of the most powerful militias in the world. Within one day, social media and humanitarian organizations concerned with refugees published 3 news of what Syrians are exposed to in many European countries, in which the police either deport them after arresting them or imprison them and blackmail them, in addition to stealing their money and personal belongings, and sometimes the thief is a refugee gang, as happened today with A Syrian woman and her child.
A lost Syrian woman
According to what the Rescue Cell published on its Facebook page, a Syrian woman was left alone with her child in the Bulgarian forests without water or food, forcing her husband to send a distress call to save them, adding that the woman was also beaten and violent by a supervisor. On the immigrant group he is called “Abbas Abu Ali”.
The rescue cell added that the mother suffers from fatigue and cannot move, and she was left alone with her 7-year-old child, facing their fate in the middle of the forest, but another group of migrants found them and gave them water and food without specifying their whereabouts.
refugees in Poland
In a second incident, the Polish authorities deported a Syrian refugee with a sprained foot from the hospital to the Belarusian border, in an inhumane act that could jeopardize his life, especially after humanitarian organizations reported about the ill-treatment of refugees near the border.
The Ishtar Immigration and Asylum page stated that the Polish authorities are currently transporting injured refugees from hospitals and dumping them in the border forest with Belarus, publishing at the same time the Public Prosecutor’s report about a young Syrian man who went on the first of this month to the hospital in Hagnoka and then was sent to the Foreigners Registration Center in Poloch.
The page confirmed that the Syrian youth was transferred to Belarus in wet clothes without being given any medication in the hospital, nor was he provided with food or an interpreter, in clear violation of international and European procedures against refugees and inhuman treatment by representatives of the Polish service.
Syrian refugees in Macedonia
In a third incident, Syrian refugees, including minor children, were arrested in North Macedonia by the police after they managed to cross Greece by truck and head to Western European countries.
And “Muhajir News” website indicated that yesterday it discovered 26 Syrian migrants who were hiding in two cars near the town of Valandovo on the border with Greece, while the two drivers, a Serbian and another from North Macedonia, fled, pointing out that 44 Syrian migrants were arrested in another incident, including 14 minors. Hiding inside a truck near the border with Greece.
It is noteworthy that many Syrians are subjected to major violations, theft and extortion during their asylum journey to Europe, especially at the Greek and Bulgarian borders, where many of them faced the risk of dying of starvation and thirst, while others lost their lives as a result of a car accident while fleeing from the police or drowned after being forced to Return to Turkey via the Evros River.