A racist confession from the deputy head of the MHB party, “I resigned because of the Syrians!”

Under the influence of anti-refugee propaganda by the opposition parties, the Vice-President of Kilis Province, Erol Erkoç, stated that he resigned because of the Syrians.
Erol Arkoç adopted the exaggerated racist rhetoric, saying that the wrong refugee policy had brought Kilis back to the Arab countries.
He also seems to have been heavily affected by the CHP anti-refugee rhetoric and policies.As expressed his opinion to Adana CHP Party deputy Orhan Somer during his visit to Kilis.
Erkoç said, “120,000 Syrian refugees came to Kilis, where 80 thousand Turks live. There were 400 Syrian students against 100 Turks in my children’s school. That’s why I took my children to another school because there was no education. Kilis has come to this because of wrong refugee policies. That’s why I resigned from the MHP Provincial Vice Presidency. Kilis is a city where Turkmens were settled to protect the border areas. But now it has become an Arab city,” he said.