Meral Akşener: Explain that Syrian refugees will not be granted Turkish citizenship

IYI Party Chairman Meral Akşener demanded that it be made clear to Syrian refugees that they cannot become Turkish citizens, and said, “This will not only enable some of them to return, but also prevent new migrations based on our border with the dream of citizenship.” said.
“We will send the Syrians back”
Criticizing the government’s Syria policy, Akşener stated that they will send Syrian refugees back when they come to power. IYI Party Chairman Akşener, who made suggestions for the return of Syrian refugees to their countries, said:
“Explain that Syrian refugees will not be given Turkish citizenship. Explain with certainty that they cannot become Turkish citizens, no matter how many years they stay. This will ensure that some of them will return, and it will also prevent new migrations based on our border with the dream of citizenship. Agree with Assad about the return of Syrian refugees to Syria. . Get a commitment from Damascus for the return of at least 100,000 refugees every month. Put Turkey’s power on the table.”
Meral Akşener stated that insurance contributions and tax deductions should also be made from Syrian employees, and said:
“Especially in our southern provinces, provide tax relief to our shopkeepers. Make the tradesmen profitable for Turkish citizens, not refugees. Increase patrols on our southern borders. Save the Turkish borders from being a crossing inn. Make the crossings at the border gates toll. Stop the opportunistic influx to Turkey. Make a temporary driver condition for refugees who bring their vehicle from Syria. Take the same tax from Syrian refugees as a Turkish citizen pays for vehicles brought from abroad. This is what Europe is doing, America is doing this. This is not Syria, Turkey. Realize this. Do these things, see how things work out.”