The CHP Opposition Party Announces Its Plan to Deport Syrian Refugees

The CHP begins implementing a plan to deport Syrian refugees
The opposition “Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi” intends to start a new campaign to return the Syrian refugees residing in Turkey to their country, through a campaign aimed at distributing a quarter of a million publications in the major Turkish states and those that witness an intense Syrian presence.
The Turkish CNN Turk website said that the CHP had prepared 250,000 publications in which it promised to return the Syrians in Turkey to their country under the title “We will send our Syrian brothers and sisters within two years.” (Can we make this a separate tweet)
According to the website, the leaflets will be distributed in many states, especially in Gaziantep, Kilis, Hatay, Mardin and Urfa, where refugees are concentrated, in addition to major states such as Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.
And leaflets containing the promises of party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will be distributed by a team of volunteers called “Kılıçdaroğlu Volunteers,” according to the website.
CHP plan to deport refugees
And last month, Kılıçdaroğlu revealed a new plan to return the Syrians to their country if his party wins the presidential elections scheduled for next year 2023.
Kılıçdaroğlu expressed, at the “meeting of opinion leaders, heads and representatives of non-governmental organizations” in Ankara, on Friday, his dissatisfaction with the presence of the Syrians in Turkey, adding: “We are not comfortable with the Syrians, we will send the Syrians to their country… We are developing a four-stage plan.”
The tone of voices opposing the presence of Syrian refugees in Turkey has increased with the approach of the elections, and the opposition is using them as a card to pressure the government and as a means to influence public opinion in the country.
The head of the Zefer Party, “Umit Ozdag”, had launched a large campaign to collect signatures from Turkish citizens with the aim of expelling the Syrians and returning them to their country, despite international warnings of the danger of doing such an act and the resulting exposure of many children, women and men to arrest and torture in Assad’s prisons and detention centers .