The shooting of Afghan workers by a racist influenced by the anti-refugee rhetoric of the Zafar Party

The racist rhetoric that the opposition party continues to repeat, this time led to the killing. The opposition Zufar Party and party leader Umit Ozda have repeatedly repeated their racist rhetoric that stimulated feelings of hatred and rancor against the refugees residing in Turkey.
In the details of this crime, which was caused by the racist speeches of the opposition Umit Ozdag, Gokman Topal shot a group of Afghan workers who were at a tea break. Gokman, who is a supporter of the Zufar party’s anti-refugee policy, shot the Afghans in cold blood. This attack resulted in the death of one Afghan and the serious injury of two others.
The attacher’s social media page is full of publications supporting the Zafar Party’s policy, which appears to be influenced by their xenophobic propaganda. After the incident, the police arrested the assailant and took him for investigation.