To Support Ahmed Kanjo.. Turks Raise the Slogan “I am a human being” in Istanbul

Many Turkish activists expressed their support for the Syrian youth, Ahmed Kanjo, who raised the interest of the media and social circles in Turkey over the past days.And social networking sites circulated pictures showing young Turkish men in different parts of Istanbul, carrying banners bearing the hashtag “Ben Bir İnsanım” (I am a human being) as an expression of their solidarity with Kengo. Ahmed Kanjo, the young man who received angry racist expressions from some Turks while trying to correct misconceptions about the Syrian refugees in Turkey.
Ahmed Kanjo responds to racist allegations against Syrians
“Kengo” appeared a few days ago during an interview conducted by a Turkish TV channel in the Uskudar area on the Asian side of Istanbul to respond to fallacies reported by Turkish citizens about Syrian refugees, noting that he left school because of racism, and the video clip spread quickly in the media and communication media.
While Kongo spoke in an interview in the street, Turkish citizens tried to blame the Syrian refugees in Turkey for the problems of the economy and other things, so that the young Syrian man intervened and talked about his living conditions and everything he went through during his life as a Syrian refugee in Turkey.
Kengo is under a racist attack
During an interview in which he talked about false information about Syrians, Ahmed was attacked using racist terms and harassment from some of those present who described him as a beggar and described the Syrians as eating the money of the Turks, and others demanded that he leave the country, to respond to them one by one and refute the allegations and the wrong information.
This increased harassment and hate campaigns are one of the results of the racist rhetoric adopted by the opposition parties, which use refugees as an electoral card.