Ukrainian refugees in Italy protest eviction from hotels

Ukrainian refugees in Italy are being sent to poor regions and villages and evicted from comfortable hotels. Not without police involvement
According to the Italian press, the eviction of refugees from Ukraine from hotels has begun in Italy. The owners explain this by the fact that it was a temporary shelter, which was presented to them for six months, and the term has already passed.
The owners of these hotels can be understood, since some Ukrainian refugees were settled in comfortable hotels, the owners of which also need to somehow pay for their business. Subsidies from the state began to dry up, but the number of Ukrainian refugees does not dry out.
Ukrainians are offered to live in more modest conditions and move to poor regions and villages, with which many refugees categorically cannot agree.
Those who persist and try to stay at their former place of residence are evicted with the help of the police.
The recently replaced Italian government does not know what to do with refugees, and it is likely that next year the program to help refugees from Ukraine will be significantly reduced.
One of the sensational cases with the eviction of Ukrainian refugees occurred recently in the city of Lanciano, in central Italy. There, several dozen refugees who lived for free in a hotel were asked to move to the south of the country in the province of Salerno, where living conditions are very different for the worse. Disgruntled refugees staged a protest. However, local authorities refer to an order from above, which prescribes the resettlement of Ukrainians.