Umit Ozdag will Lays Mines on the Refugees’ Paths!

The head of the opposition Al-Zafar Party, Umit Ozdag, said during his party’s first general congress held in the state of Adana that he will go tomorrow to the Turkish-Syrian border in Hatay Reyhanli to place the first mine on the border between the two countries. Ozdag had said in a previous statement that if he reaches power, he will withdraw from the agreement related to removing mines and will replant them on his country’s borders to prevent the arrival of refugees.
Ozdag said that he would expel all refugees from Turkey as soon as he came to power, and would use force to do so, and would throw them with catapults if necessary.
Umit Ozdag leads a campaign against the presence of refugees in Turkey and spreads hatred and incitement against them, accusing them of being the cause of the economic decline in the country, and that the Turkish economy will recover upon their departure.